ECU not supported / No definition found

If you are getting this error, then the server does not have the definition for your ECU or the protocol is not supported.

In case of basic protocols, send a copy-paste of the status window to (click the box, press Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, then click the e-mail and press Ctrl+V). Send data as text, not as photos.

In case of advanced protocols, if you want support to be added, please send a full file and a copy-paste of the status window to (click the box, press Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, then click the e-mail and press Ctrl+V). Send data as text, not as photos.

A full file is:

Please do not send crypted files (e.g. FRF, ODX, SRM-F, CMDFlash/Autotuner VREAD), or files that only have maps inside (e.g. Flex VREAD, AutoTuner bench read, CMD bench read), as they are completely useless for any development. Make sure the file or files you are sending contain the entire micro and/or flash content, if you send only a part or it, then no definition can be added.

Please do not send photos or screenshots, always send the copy-pasted contents of the bottom status window - click the box, press Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, then click the e-mail and press Ctrl+V.

If only the definition is missing, then most likely your definition can be added within a few minutes of you sending in the full file. If there is communication protocol support, but no ECU support, then it can take longer.
If there is no protocol at all and the vehicle is older than 2010, in almost all cases no support will be added.

If you do not send a valid file and contents of the bottom window, there is nothing that can be done to help you!