Table of Contents

Functional differences

The Client

Example screenshots:

prologger1.png       prologger3.png

The Manager

Example screenshots:


Licensing differences

Gaining access

If you wish to purchase the Pro version, please send the following to

Manager functionality

Main List

Whenever a slave client connects to a car the first time, a notification is shown on the desktop and the window flashes in the taskbar.


Detail View

The detail view shows all information about the vehicle. Upon entering the view, if the server needs any files, they will be asked for. If the definition is not found, the information will be printed.


For advanced protocols the Buy License… button allows to purchase advanced licenses, the Patch file.. button patches the files locally.


For a slave client to be able to log, there needs to be either at least one profile assigned or the Allow user to select variables option needs to be checked. For those advanced protocols that require a patch the ECU must also be initialized again after it has been patched.

Adding or editing a profile opens the normal variable selection, as in the normal client.


Slave client functionality

The slave only needs to choose the correct protocol. After protocol selection the information is read from the vehicle and compared to the server.

Remote LIVE

Remote LIVE enables LIVE monitoring on both the manager and the Slave. On the manager the files are packed into an encrypted container and on the Slave the container is decrypted and the modifications are loaded.