Table of Contents


When sending a message regarding any kind of issue with the logger, please first initialize the ECU and always include the FULL contents of the bottom window in the E-mail by using copypaste (click the box, press Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, then click the e-mail and press Ctrl+V). Send data as text, not as photos.

If there is an error message, make sure the error is also reproduced and included in the data.

If the problem happens during patching a file, then in addition to the above information also include the file.


Q: I receive the message ERROR: No definition was found on server, contact support.
A: Please provide all information as detailed on this page.

Q: I can not see my Tactrix OpenPort 2.0 in the Device dropdown.
A: Did you install the J2534 drivers?

Q: I always get ERROR: DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED with my Tactrix OpenPort 2.0.
A: You probably installed the newest drivers from the manufacturer, but have old firmware in the device. Either install and start EcuFlash once, so it can update the firmware or install the older driver linked above.

Q: Will the Logger work with xxx car?
A: Make an init with the Logger and only after you have made the init if you have an error, send a message with the init included.

Q: I receive the error “Failed to connect to all addresses” when connecting to the server.
A: Check the status page. If it does not show the logger server down, then the problem is your internet connection. If it shows it down, then we are already aware that it is happening and working on it.

Q: I am missing values in Basic protocol, can you add them?
A: No. Basic protocol is automatically generated from values present in the ECU. If it is not in the basic protocol, then it can not be added, use the advanced protocol (if available).

Q: What program can I use to view the logs?
A: Please see this list.

Q: I am trying to use AutoTuner to patch the ECU, and I am having problems.
A: Please see the special instructions for AutoTuner tool.

Q: After patching the file I can not flash OBD anymore with Autotuner!
A: You must checksum the file after patching. You did not checksum and Autotuner does not checksum in backup mode. Checksum the file and flash it again.

Q: Can I buy damos from you?
A: No, VehiCAL does not sell or exchange such data under any circumstances and can not give any recommendations or information where to obtain such data.

Q: Can you send me a profile? Can you tell me what the variable name is for X? Can you help me tuning the car? Can I pay you to do something for me?
A: No, there simply is no time, sorry. VehiCAL developers are not for hire. We are also not able to give any recommendations.

Q: Can you develop protocol for X?
A: For Basic no, or it's probably already being worked on. For Advanced you need to send hex/a2l at the bare minimum, preferably also an ECU, and you have to be a PRO user or there has to be significant demand for this protocol.

Q: Can I run the Logger in a Virtual Machine (VM)?
A: While the Logger will run in a VM, the USB passthrough drivers of the VM are not perfect and always introduce latency. All protocols that use raw CAN mode on the J2534 device and require high resolution timing will have significantly worse performance and can throw random obscure error codes and drop connection, so it is not recommended. Test without VM before you contact support.

Q: What happens when Logger requests original file? Are you storing the files on server? Why do you need files?
A: The advanced protocols require the A2L ID to load the correct definition and it is not always possible to read out the A2L ID through OBD. The Logger does this whenever possible, however in the case it is not possible and no one ever identified a such ECU before the Logger will ask you exactly once for your file. It will then extract the A2L ID and send the A2L ID and software number to the server where they will be stored in the database. On all subsequent queries the A2L ID will be loaded directly from the database.
